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Tech Leaders, are you ready?

Updated: Dec 6, 2024

Explosive growth in tech innovations is increasing the already strong headwind in the war for tech talent. Go-to-market has to be swift and deliberate to stay competitive, and “experienced tech talent” is the core.

These are exciting times! Cloud, mobility, AI and IoT are changing every aspect of business and essentially our lives. Blockchain is driving even more transactional innovation.

Machine learning is going to have to keep up with identifying “bad versus good” and correct proactively. The intent of most tech companies is to “do good and protect data” but it is probably the most challenging task to date in this fast-paced world.

They all have to be secured, patched, managed and updated. Reliable infrastructure is critical. That's a lot of ground to cover, and fast.

On the talent front, comprehensive career paths and aggressive compensation plans are essential to retaining existing brain-power, competitive intelligence and talent. Recruit and secure your talent now. Are you ready?

Author - Kathy Panaro, President & CEO

The Panaro Group LLC - Your Strategic Recruiting Partner


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